Saturday, May 10, 2014

{First} Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day!!

How can I put to words what's in my heart as I celebrate my very first Mother's Day? When I hear "this will be your first Mother's Day!" my heart overflows and I've only been a momma for two short weeks! I'm absolutely in love with my new title, as "momma"!

The purpose of Mother's Day is to remember, honor, and celebrate moms and all their diligent efforts, sacrifices, love, and support they have for their child(ren). However, I want to remember that Mother's Day isn't always a day filled with joy for all women. So, today (and everyday) I also want to remember the moms who have loved and lost, desired but never had or held, and carried but given in adoption.

While tomorrow is Mother's Day, today is actually Birthmother's Day. Since the day we met Ava's birthmother, not a day or hour has gone by that I don't think of her. The minute we met, I knew in my heart that as far as we were concerned, it was a match (the decision ultimately rested in her hands/heart -- we are so glad she chose us!) We totally clicked! We only knew her a couple weeks before Ava was born, but immediately had a connection and loved every minute we got to spend visiting with her. She is sweet and selfless, beautiful and kind, thoughtful and giving. While we have gained so much with her gift of Ava, we are mourning her loss also. This quote sums up my thoughts lately:

Beautiful adoption quote by Jody Landers.  Blog Post: One Adoptee's Take on Another Adopted Child's Birth Story: Acknowledgment, Compassion & Empathy - The Littlest Seed

Adoption is a beautiful journey and I'm so glad our experience has been all that it has thus far. We will forever remember our birthmother's courage and appreciate the privilege she gave us to be parents. We will also remember her loss, and we have a deeper understanding of "joy and sorrow interwoven- love in all I see"...

Here are some pictures in honor of Mother's Day. Enjoy!

 Mimi & Ava

 Grandma & Ava

Mimi, Ava & I

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