It’s almost time to update our home study— can’t believe it’s almost been a year since we were last approved! We’ve been buried in paperwork, updating documents and checking off all the items “to do”! It was much easier this time around in some ways, simply because we knew what to do and who to contact for certifications and such. COVID did complicate a few areas like background checks and fingerprinting, but thankfully we have an amazing caseworker who knew what to do when these were set to expire and everything was shut down/closed.
We’ve received so many texts, calls, and “check ins” from friends and family over the last year wondering how this process was going. Thank you so much for checking in. We love hearing from you and appreciate your care so much!
So, friends, the answer is- it’s adoption. That means it’s a lot of unknowns, twists and turns, highs and lows. We’ve presented to numerous situations over the last (almost) year and we’ve seen a lot of really sad, difficult situations and also a lot of hopeful ones. Our eyes have been opened to so much that’s going on in our world today, and ya’ll, it’s not pretty. I am thankful for things I’ve never realized I should be thankful for. I’ve prayed very specifically for people I don’t know and will never know, I’ve felt selfish for longing to stay naïve to hardness some endure simply because it’s easier not to think about. I’ve mourned losses that were never truly “mine” but felt like they were. There have been sleepless nights of concern for expectant/birthmommas...like real concerns of their safety, wellbeing. There’s been fraud, yes, fraud, in the adoption world is so prevalent now. I’ve even rejoiced when an expectant mom has decided to parent and not place, or chose another family for her child, because I saw her heart and respected her decision although it meant yet another “no match” for us. It hasn’t been easy. BUT. It’s all worth it!! We know there’s happy, good, and beautiful in the adoption triad also. We’ve had so many people reach out to help us however they can. Just last week I had a local momma who I’ve never even met (she’s a friend of a friend), reach out and offer to donate breast milk when our baby arrives. 😭 There’s good in the world, too, if we choose to see it. So while we wait, we learn! And we are thankful for all we’ve learned on this journey!
Last night at dinner, I told Tim I thought I had everything organized and ready to send to our caseworker for the home study update. Ava heard and excitedly and without hesitation said, “oh, good, Mom!! Our baby (who she has a name for 😍) is waiting on us!!!”
And so, we wait with hope. 💖
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